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Have a check box filter for users appearing in the user list , in user profile

we-sell-bags 4 years ago 0

currently plugins such as fusion inventory make a new user account...

This then appears in the user list for tickets and in other places.


1. have a set of "system" users that don't show up

2. have a separate "check flag" to exclude the user account from the users lists

this could also serve the purpose to hide staff that have left, whilst leaving any outstanding tickets/reports with missing information and stil lpreventing them from appearing in the user list, without haveing to play " make a special group"


Slack integration (notify users when something has been done with their tickets)

The Cake Itself 4 years ago 0


It would be awesome to have official bot for GLPI in Slack.

The primary usefulness would be to notify user via Slack that something has been done on the user's ticket: new reply, new status, etc.


Registration accepted despite the presence of a mandatory field

CH REDON 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

When creating a ticket via the collector, we do not manage the fact that

the category field is mandatory which is very good because the ticket

is not categorized yet by a technician but when the ticket is completed

by a technician, the ticket can be registered despite the fact that this

field is mandatory. It seems to be a bug, no?


Distinguish tickets awaiting feedback from users and feedback from providers

CH REDON 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 3

Is there a way to add a new status? if not, it might be interesting to be able to add a different status to distinguish tickets awaiting user feedbacks from users and feebacks from service providers or supports. We could call those 2 status "pending users" and "pending providers".


New dashboard widget to display only open problem

jlelu 4 years ago 0

Create widget data to show only open problem


multiple and discreet mail severs authentication

Julien 4 years ago 0



Proposition : Authentification, par défaut, multiple et discrète, avec serveur(s) e-mail.

Situation : GLPI configuré avec un ou plusieurs serveurs e-mail pour authentifier, par ce mode de connexion, plusieurs utilisateurs, d’appartenances différentes.

Objectif : Ne pas être obliger d’afficher la liste déroulante des modes d’authentifications (serveurs mail) et laisser GLPI « analyser », à l’aide du domain « @domain.tld » par quelle méthode configurée authentifier puis connecter les utilisateurs déclarés.

Cela, sans que personne ne puisse savoir, explicitement, quels sont les « @domain.tld » disponibles.

[en] (Google translate)


Proposal: Authentication, by default, multiple and discreet, with e-mail server (s).

Context: GLPI configured with one or more email servers to authenticate, by this connection mode, multiple users from different affiliations.

Purpose: Do not have to display the drop-down list of authentication modes (mail servers) and let GLPI "analyze", using the domain "@domain.tld" by which configured method to authenticate and then connect the declared users.

This, without anyone being able to know, explicitly, which “@domain.tld” are available.


Training module

Udi 4 years ago 0

add Items - Training - manage inventory of office training and assign them to multiple users


Apirest calls unknown foreign key

virgin21800 4 years ago 0

I am new in GLPI and I have to create a plugin that I query with the API provided by GLPI. By consulting the example plugin I therefore created a first table 'plugin_toip_installations' with foreign keys such as 'entities_id' linked to the GLPI's table and 'plugin_toip_foreignkeys_id' linked to my second table 'plugin_toip_foreignkeys'. I create 'PluginToipInstallation' class extends CommonDBTM and 'PluginToipForeignkey' class extends CommonDropdown. When I request api I see my relationship as 'UNKNOWN' for 'foreignkeys_id' and with the option expand_dropdown the data is empty, not for 'entities_id'. What I missed ? Thanks for your help.


Include mobile signature

jose hilton 4 years ago 0

we already have the pdf plugin who export all ticket to a pdf but its possible to add a field who let us add a digital signature like some others platforms have.


How to add "Last followup by" in front/ticket.php and not only "Last edit by" ?

markwakwak 4 years ago 0


I would like to know if there is a way to have a column in front/ticket.php to have not only the "Last edit by" but also "Last followup by" in order to setup more specific search terms.

My goal is to set a "Saved search alert" on this criteria so that when a customer has replied to a helpdesk agent, I know that this ticket doesn't have any answer.

Currently, I go this way :

Image 375

Why the "Last edit by" is not sufficient for me, because any supervisor could come and edit the ticket, to insert for instance comments, tasks, etc. and will be, the "Last edit by".

Has anyone found a way to do it ?