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martingigs98 6 years ago 0

Buy counterfeit,real fake passport, drivers license, id card(martingigs98@gmail.com )
We offer only original high-quality fake passports, driver’s licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificates
and other products for a number of countries like:
USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South
Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, etc.
To get the additional information and place the order just visit our website:
(If in some technical reasons you are unable to visit our website we are always happy to answer your
questions on email addresses mentioned below)
Contact e-mails: martingigs98@gmail.com

-IDs Scan-yes…
buy fake USA(United States) passports,
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buy fake Israel passports,
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buy fake South African passports.
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buy fake French(France) driver licenses,
buy fake Dutch(Netherland/Holland) driving licenses,
buy fake German(Germany) driving licenses,
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buy fake Diplomatic passports,
buy false USA(United States) passports,
buy false Australian passports,
buy false Belgium passports,
buy false Brazilian(Brazil) passports,
buy false Canadian(Canada) passports,
buy false Finnish(Finland) passports,
buy false French(France) passports,
buy false German(Germany) passports,
buy false Dutch(Netherland/Holland) passports,
buy false Israel passports,
buy false UK(United Kingdom) passports,
buy false Spanish(Spain) passports,
buy false Mexican(Mexico) passports,
buy false South African passports.
buy false Australian driver licenses,
buy false Canadian driver licenses,
buy false French(France) driver licenses,
buy false Dutch(Netherland/Holland) driving licenses,
buy false German(Germany) driving licenses,
buy false UK(United Kingdom) driving licenses,
buy false Diplomatic passports,
buy Camouflage passports,
buy passport Duplicates,
fake USA(united States) passports for sale,
fake Australian passports for sell,
fake Belgium passports for sell,
fake Brazilian(Brazil) passports for sell,
fake Canadian(Canada) passports for sell,
fake Finnish(Finland) passports for sell,
fake French(France) passports for sell,
fake German(Germany) passports for sell,
fake Dutch(Netherland/Holland) passports for sell,
fake Israel passports for sell,
fake UK(United Kingdom) passports for sell,
fake Spanish(Spain) passports for sell,
fake Mexican(Mexico) passports for sell,
fake South African passports for sell,
fake Australian driver licenses for sell,
fake Canadian driver licenses for sell,
fake French(France) driver licenses for sell,
fake Dutch(Netherland/Holland) driving licenses for sell,
fake German(Germany) driving licenses for sell,
fake UK(United Kingdom) driving licenses for sell,
fake Diplomatic passports for sell,
false USA(united States) passports for sale,
false Australian passports for sell,
false Belgium passports for sell,
false Brazilian(Brazil) passports for sell,
false Canadian(Canada) passports for sell,
false Finnish(Finland) passports for sell,
false French(France) passports for sell,
false German(Germany) passports for sell,
false Dutch(Netherland/Holland) passports for sell,
false Israel passports for sell,
false UK(United Kingdom) passports for sell,
false Spanish(Spain) passports for sell,
false Mexican(Mexico) passports for sell,
false South African passports for sell,
false Australian driver licenses for sell,
false Canadian driver licenses for sell,
false French(France) driver licenses for sell,
false Dutch(Netherland/Holland) driving licenses for sell,
false German(Germany) driving licenses for sell,
false UK(United Kingdom) driving licenses for sell,
false Diplomatic passports for sell,
Camouflage passports for sale,
passport Duplicates for sale.
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The equipment location information

jeckchen 6 years ago 0

Equipment - data center location - information without U,Need to add U showed the best


automatic assignment

gina hilarion 6 years ago 0

Hi tema 

it is possible to carry out the automatic photo ticket assignment according to the arrival of the requests. that is to say if I have in the group n1 2 technicians could do that all the requests that are assigned to this group are automatically assigned to each one of the technicians according to the arrival of request?


Display Massage user

lnuvunga 6 years ago 0

Good Morning,

I have installed glpi 9.4 and I want to change the message that appears when a user creates a password, the message that appears is as follows (Ticket: 24) Item successfully added: Thank you for using our automatic helpdesk system), I already researched everywhere I did not find anything, can anyone help?


Integration Zabbix GLPI

Eduardo 6 years ago updated by glpi 6 years ago 1
is there any forecast to create a plugin for use with Zabbix?
glpi 6 years ago

There are already community integration projects between GLPI and Zabbix.



GANTTproject addon

Paul 6 years ago 0

Would it be possible to add a GANTTproject addon? Because the current project module is a bit difficult to handle


Moderne Mail receiver Auth

Nop 6 years ago 0


Today, mail receivers only worls with IMAP and POP. Could you add modern auth mecanism ?

Thank you


inline modification

GLPI Idea 6 years ago 0

Ajouter un moyen de modifier les tickets directement dans la vue listings des tickets , car en tant que superviseur , ouvrir pour chaque ticket afin de modifier le statut n'est pas tres efficace


Packaging Development Strategies & Tips

Snehal Apte 6 years ago 0

The primary objective of packaging is to protect the product from damage. Packaging helps us smooth transportation and convey information about the product. Any packaging company should know the effective packaging development process.


Plugin lansweeper

daniloramos 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

development of a Lansweeper and GLPI integration plugindevelopment of a Lansweeper and GLPI integration plugin