Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
Permission for technicians insert comments only in private mode.
Permission for technicians insert comments only in private mode.
Wanted to see [AllAssets] menuat all times
current logic suggests that if none the menus ['Computer', 'Monitor', 'Peripheral', 'NetworkEquipment', 'Phone',
'Printer'] is activated then [allAssets] menu does not show up.
We want to see that menu at all time, especially when we dont use any of the objects above.
Possibility of controlling access to projects:
- Public - everyone can view, add and modify the project;
- Restricted - everyone can see but only the team can include and modify;
- Private - only the team can access the project.
[GLPI 9.3.3] why item menu disapear in ticket template ?
Hi everyone,
I see in Github topic this is a choice of GLPI developper but have the item section under the locaction in the general template is very serviceable. For me this is a big regression ... We have a chance to see again this item section ?
Thanks for all
Hola amigos, soy mas maquetadora en html que programadora,
entiendo que este sistema es un .php, y mucha mano no le puedo meter
me gustaria saber de que manera puedo hacer para modificar el tamaño de las imagenes.
estuve viendo que hay bastantes archivos en .css y demas, pero
los modifico sin exito en la visualizacion!
Alguien tiene alguna idea?
Close tasks only with a new comment
Allow me to suggest improvements?
It is about the tasks that are included in the tickets, problems and more.
Currently when we add a task with the To Do status and we need to close it later, just click the checkbox to complete the item. This action does not record any record of the date, time, and who did it. Nor in the history of the ticket.
We are directing analysts to add a comment, even though it may occur that the analyst clicks the button by mistake or just to be able to terminate the call (we use the plugins behaviors to block the call solution if there are pending tasks).
My suggestion would be to allow the task to close so only if the analyst includes a description.
The comment would be added in the timeline of actions with reference to the task and would record the name, date and hour that conslusion.
GLpi 0.85.3 generic object
Bonjour je voudrais savoir quel version de generic object est compatible avec glpi 0.85.3
Auto closed ticket only on business day
Ticket to be closed automatically only on business days based on the entity's calendar configuration (Assistance).
Acessibilidade para deficientes visuais com leitores de telas.
Prezados, sou deficiente visual, utilizo o leitor de telas (NVDA), na empreza estamos com a verção 9.1.2 do glpi; estou estudando sobre as novas versões para atualizar, porém, encontrei algumas inacessibilidades do sistema, como por exemplo ao criar um novo ticket, ao selecionar a localização, o leitor de telas não consegue ler as opções da caixa de seleção, dentre outras condições; este mesmo exemplo dado, na versão que uso atual 9.1.2 o leitor faz a leitura normalmente. embora não saiba programar, estou disposto a contribuir para a acessibilidade do sistema, e gostaria de poder contar com a colaboração dos programadores.
Notify email by source based
I have the GLPI 9.3.3 deployed in a company of 170 employees.
Eventually, some employees do not register the ticket, and the technician has to register the ticket by placing the user as the requester and changing the "Helpdesk" source to "direct / skype / phone".
Is there any way via business rules or otherwise, for when a ticket is registered and the source is not helpdesk, I set up a template informing the user that the technician needed to open the call on his behalf and becoming aware of the need to register the ticket.
Customer support service by UserEcho