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Logs of a cloned object (by an entity transfer) should states it is a clone

CDuv 6 years ago 0

(Note: I already opened an issue on official issue tracker but was asked to post on Userecho to see if it worth it. So here it is)

When the entity transfer wizard is cloning objets, an explicit "Cloning from object x" event should be added to clone object's logs.

I got into this when transferring a computer to another entity. That computer was attached to documents (and contracts) which where cloned into the destination entity.

Steps to reproduce (my experience, variations may also works)

  • - Have the following entities:
    • Entity E1
    • Entity E2 (as a sub-entity of E1)
  • Create computer C1 into entity E1
  • Create computer C2 into entity E1
  • Create document D into entity E1 (ID=726, used below)
  • Attach document D to computers C1 and C2
  • Transfer C1 to entity E2

Actual result

Computer C1 is now into entity E2.
A new document D' is created into entity E2 as a copy/clone of document D (the latter stays in E1) with ID=727 (in my example)
While cloning the document D, GLPI clones D_'s logs: it creates new events rows with new IDs keeping the original dates and other informations, but it alos adds two new events "Add the item" and "Change Entity E1 (0) by Entity E1 > Entity E2 (1)" timestamped at the date the transfer was performed.

Logs of D:

8641    2016-03-09 10:54    User (8)    Computer    Add a link with an item: Test computer2 for entity transfer (409)
8625 2016-03-09 10:46 User (8) Computer Add a link with an item: Test computer1 for entity transfer (408)
8624 2016-03-09 10:45 User (8) - Add the item

Logs of D':

9320    2016-03-09 11:00    User (8)    Entity  Change Entité racine (0) by Entité racine > FooBar (1)
9319 2016-03-09 10:54 User (8) Computer Add a link with an item: Test computer2 for entity transfer (409)
9316 2016-03-09 10:46 User (8) Computer Add a link with an item: Test computer1 for entity transfer (408)
9315 2016-03-09 10:45 User (8) - Add the item
9314 2016-03-09 11:00 User (8) - Add the item

We see that events 8624, 8625 and 8641 gets copied to D' as-is (respectively as 9315, 9316 and 9319) and that events 9314 and 9320 are added.


I suggest that logs of that D' object states it was created as a clone of D.
The Event 9314's label should be "Create the item as a clone of Document 726" or something similar.

Context informations

GLPI version: 0.90.1


Print to pdf pdf 1.3.2 GPLv3 + Not installed Remi Collet, Nelly Mahu-Lasson https://forge.glpi-project.org/projects/pdf This add-on requires GLPI> = 9.2 and <9.3. in version 9.4 it is impossible to install Print To PDF

Julian 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2
Print to pdf pdf 1.3.2 GPLv3 + Not installed Remi Collet, Nelly Mahu-Lasson https://forge.glpi-project.org/projects/pdf
This add-on requires GLPI> = 9.2 and <9.3. in version 9.4 it is impossible to install Print To PDF

GLPI servers interconnected

Maxime 6 years ago 0


Dans le cadre d'un développement d'architecture, je dois lier plusieurs serveurs GLPI entre eux. "Existe t-il un plugin qui pourrai répondre à mes attentes, ou une manipulation ?" Le but étant d'avoir 1 GLPI regroupant toutes les BDDs afin de gérer en temps réel la réception, le contrôle et l'envoie des tickets. Ainsi, les serveurs GLPI sont à l'image des entreprises destinataires, et le GLPI principal gère les autres. (idée de Client/Serveur). 

En vous remerciant, 




As part of an architectural development, GLPI them. "Is there a plugin that can meet my expectations, or manipulation?" GLPI Grouping all the BDDs to manage the reception, the control and the sending of the notes. Thus, the GLPI servers are in the image of the recipient companies, and the main GLPI manages the others. (client / server idea).

Thanking you, 




Allow all recipient type to be selcted whatever the notification trigger

Grégory 6 years ago 0

If we want to set the requesting client on the ticket notification, everything is fine,

and we can also choose: Administrator, Supervisor, etc.

But when we want to do the same thing for contract notifications, we can't.

There is only the profile: * and the group: * the group supervisor: * etc.

Because the choice is relative to the context of the element: Ticket, Contract, Problem etc.

Not good at least for me.

When a notification for a contract is sent, all users of the entity receive it, simply because we can only choose Profile: Applicant.

As a contract is tied to a machine (a printer in our case), we simply want the user of this printer to be notified, not all other users of the entity.

I created another profile for those who manage the entity and if I have to send contract notifications to them, I put it in the contract notice.

To make things simpler:

I think we need all the features of the recipients regardless of the notifications.

We have a lot of feedback from customers who do not understand why they receive a notification that does not concern them.



improve scanning to solaris systems with sparc architecture

Carlos Quintero 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

it may be possible to add a differentiation between the virtualization levels (LDOM'S and ZONES) in solaris 11 in order to gather more information about the serial number and the different zfs or zpool associated with the main system.

I would like to contribute with these proposals



OscarLoza 6 years ago 0

May you considerate CMDB, CHAT, REMOTE DESKTOP?


bloquer la saisie d'un ticket si le contrat n'est plus actif

MAST 6 years ago 0


Je possède un GLPI 9.3.3 pour gérer les incidents informatiques chez nos clients.

Est il possible d'empêcher l'ouverture et la saisie d'un ticket dans le cas ou le contrat du client dépassé, annulé ou expiré.

Merci pour vos réponses.


Add item count to search overview

Juge 6 years ago 0

It would be great, to have the count of inventory items in on the overview page, when there a more than one of the same type/name:

Image 204

Image 205


Could you please suggest some one how to add new fields or modify existing asset fields

venky 6 years ago 0

I am looking for customize the asset fields 


suggestion for improvement for GLPI Followups

Wagner Porto 6 years ago updated by Arthur Schaefer 4 years ago 1

Hello everyone,
I would have a suggestion for improvement for GLPI, I miss it very much in the area of the followups something similar to the solution model.
Where would you record the followups with the standard text.

For example:
I have to ask the user to contact the service center because we can not get in touch with the user. This text could already be registered in the tool that standardizes the communication of the technicians with the users.