Your comments

@Tyrone.wyatt: could you explain a little bit more your idea?

Let's say that it should also be possible with any objects (like changes, problems, users, groups, assets, and so on).

You may use a task category to distinguish between internal or external users/groups.

This is what we are currently doing as we have the same use case. An external company is providing an IT service on a special application. This external company logs task duration with a special task category, this way I can separate external times from internal times.

Please post in English!

Good idea.

I already made something like this with some special keywords in eMails, then I (via a plugin) do some post-actions on Tickets (like adding watchers: specially useful for followups).

For me it should be managed by groups or by entities where managers are missing.

Could be interesting, but not in the preferences :)

As preferences by intrinsic meaning is for preferences and not for run time use.

But it could be present in the central view on a specific tab.

