Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it

Can not receive DeviceHardDrive "id" parameter through the API
I'm trying to get DeviceHardDrive ID through the API, but method listSearchOptions doesn't give it like for other items (usually field "2"), so I can't add correct deviceharddrives_id for new Item_DeviceHardDrive instance. Is it bug or feature?

Payment for Feature
a List with the development costs for certain futures would be great. If enough people spent money you will develop this feature within a promised time schedule.

Configurar correos que notifiquen si hay cambios hardware en clientes
Tengo GLPI 9.3.3, y tengo conectada algunas PCs
(ubuntu) con el plugins fusioninventory-9.3+1.4 y los cambios de
hardware que se hacen el los clientes se reportan en el servidor GLPI
perfectamente. Lo que no he logrado es que el servidor GLPI me notifique
por correo electrónico cuando ocurre un cambio de hardware en algún
cliente, necesito tener la opción para que me notifique de manera automática cuando ocurre un cambio.

Possibility of entering costs in the tasks of the tickets.
I would like to know if there is a possibility of creating a field for typing the cost in the task, following the same principle as the cost tab of the ticket.

Notification Group - Ticket Service Satisfaction
Gente, bom dia!
Você pode me ajudar com uma pergunta? Existe uma maneira de criar um grupo para que, toda vez que uma satisfação de um serviço for atendida, ou o supervisor do serviço técnico receber um email com as informações da nota que foi dada para o serviço prestado?
Gostaria de criar o grupo e incluí-lo nesta tela abaixo, sua maneira de configurar -> notificações -> notificações -> Resposta de satisfação do ticket
A idéia é obter as informações do "responsável pelo técnico", a partir do campo destacado abaixo.

Auto populate location details of the requester in creating ticket.
I'd like to know if this is applicable to majority. Is it possible to auto populate location details of the requester in the ticket location field. Requesting user already have location details. This is necessary in generating report by locations.
Best Regards,

au lancement de GLPI en mode debug, je vois que des 'SHOW COLUMNS' sont fait sur certaines tables pour mettre a jour des fiels.Mais j'aimerais savoir ou est parametre ce choix de tables!.. En effet je voudrais rajouter des fields issus d'autres tables mais je ne trouve pas comment c'est gere.
Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider SVP.
Merci d'avance.

Time not sync on my glpi server
Where can I setup or configure timezone? I have already update date.timezone in php.ini
Glpi 9.4.4 running on xammp server.

use glpi on tablet on windows touch screen
For use glpi on touchscreen tablet, I've need to remove the href link on the tabs otherwise my finger automaticly click on the href of the tabs. I've add this code
#html.class.php: line 1234
#html.class.php: line 5888
case 'mobile-nav':
$_SESSION['glpi_js_toload'][$name][] = 'js/mobile-nav.js';
$(document).ready(() => {
$('#menu>li>a').removeAttr('href').css('cursor', 'pointer');

User search problem
I have users that basically are numeric value.
If I try to search a user by login field:
1) if use "contain" (ex. 322) it return correctly that user
2) if use "is" the combo load the name and surname so it work.
if I search with method 1 and then switch to "is", by default are loaded the user where id=322. This problem is present using API. if I search (from API) login is 322 it try to return the user where ID=322 (and not login=322)
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