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GLPI Handwritten Signatures (Biometric Signatures)

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard hace 9 años actualizado por Óscar Beiro - TICgal hace 3 años 9
Incluir firmas con tabletas digitalizadoras como la Wacom STU-530, o con dispositivos biometricos para huellas digitales, para aprovar la resolucion de incidencias... Saludos...
En revisión

Possibility to assign VLAN to location/data center/server room

mariaczi hace 6 años actualizado por glpi hace 5 años 1
  • Have a possibility to assign VLAN (VLANID) to Location/DataCenter/Server room.
  • Be able to check which VLAN ID are used in which DataCenter/Server Room.
  • Be able to see all this details about VLAN on the list in "Setup" -> "Dropdowns" -> "VLAN".

    Remote Desktop integrating Apache Guacamole

    Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard hace 7 años actualizado por Martin Bhuong hace 1 año 17

    We use Apache Guacamole Remote Desktop to solve most of the tickets remotely, consider possible to perform an integration of GLPI with Guacamole Remote Desktop.

    Glpi could integrate the Apache Guacamole Remote Desktop Web API to visualize the equipment, and insert a button in the standard interface in the details of the ticket to request the remote connection, which will open the browser to view the remote computer.



    In the administration page of glpi, we could insert the user / password and the necessary data for the management of Apache Guacamole Remote Desktop.

    Apache Guacamole


    Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.

    We call it clientless because no plugins or client software are required.

    Thanks to HTML5, once Guacamole is installed on a server, all you need to access your desktops is a web browser.

    Image 178

    Image 179


    New notification templates.

    Rodrigo Morato Rodrigues hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 5 años 3
    I would love to have the nicest notification templates and an easier way to build new templates.
    En revisión

    Postgresql Compatibility

    Luis Angel Uriarte hace 9 años actualizado por Jasper Siepkes hace 1 año 8
    Allow the installation to choose between MySQL and PostgreSQL

    Add Workflow engine

    John Wilcox hace 9 años actualizado por David Stievenard hace 5 años 21
    One should be able to build custom workflows in GLPI for tasks, changes, requests and so on. Currently you have to follow the built in workflow, which might not always match the real-life process and requirements.

    Wiki plugin for documentation

    sprat hace 5 años actualizado por Philip Adam hace 8 meses 1

    The idea consist in adding a wiki plugin for documentation purposes


    My Assets tab - visible at front page

    Piotr Rybak hace 9 años actualizado por mirko morandini hace 6 días 4

    It would be great if every user could see a list of all assets that are assigned to him/her.

    List should cover all types of assets:

    - computers;

    - monitor;

    - network device;

    - phone;

    - device;

    - consumable;

    - software/licenses.

    This kind of list would be very helpful during inventory process where single user can verify what is currently assigned to him/her or what was assigned to him/her.

    List shouldn't redirect to specific items (it shouldn't containt links to assets in the system) but just provide simple info about assigned assets.

    En revisión

    Better UI : hide what i don't use

    stephane dombre hace 9 años actualizado por asdf hace 5 años 6
    Most of the time, we do not use all the components of GLPI (inventory, assistance, management,...), most of the time, we do not use each part of these components (ex: I don't use Phones and Consumables).
    A great improvement would be to make a modular IU: you only see what you use, or what you want to see. With an "edit" option to hide or show each part.

    Add Service Catalogue to GLPI

    John Wilcox hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 5 años 6
    GLPI should have Service Catalogue. Users should be able to browse it and pick (eg submit request or changes) what they want.