Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
Display field cartridge Average time in stock/in use
Add field average time in stock and in use in cartridge list.
Thanks in advance
Notifications - latest item
Is it possible to get access to latest item (followup/task) that was added within ticket/change/project?
I want to prepare notification template that will have the lastest followup at the top and rest of the conversation below to have better notifications from the system.
Same applies to tasks in changes/projects/tickets.
BladeCenter & BladeServers
Hello, would it be possible to add the management of BladeCenter and BladeServers? Actually we use the Racks plugin, even if it's nice, it's not really the same thing. This one miss things like firmware, networks cards... Thanks
Oh, and by the way, making Racks something native in glpi would be great too!
Task result
Add the possibility for the technician to add a result of the task without changing the writer of the task
Add a parameter to show/hide prefix for column title
In version 0.8xxx, the column titles weren't prefixed in "list" mode. For example, "Purchase date". Now, in 0.9, column titles are prefixed with the name of the source table name. But it makes columns header very high.
Perhaps it's possible to put a parameter to avoid that.
New website for GLPI Project
The current website looks out of date with the current development of GLPI.
A new modern website similar to would better promote the product to new users.
The work on replacing the plugin site was a step in the right direction.
TeamViewer user ID fetch, and TV integration
- Fusion could fetch the teamviewer user id on the inventory, so the technician could use it for the job.
- Glpi could integrate the web API of team viewer, and insert some time of button to request the remot connection, that would be pointed to the teamviewr app.
- In the glpi administration, we could insert the user / password for the teamviewer management and it would read the machines that are associated with the teamviewer license / user. Some rules to compare the host id on the inventory would add the id to the machines.
OCS already has a plugin, for reference:
Notifications: Add custom fields from plugin data
I have added custom fiels from a plugin to the tickets but this fiels are not sent in the notification mails.. so it could be interesting adding custom fields from plugins in the notification mails.
Automatic update location when requester user be selected
The system can automatically, on the opening ticket, set the location based in the requester location, allowing the user change the location for your ticket.
These questions are related in those links: and
Customer support service by UserEcho