Welcome to GLPi feature request service.
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If not, please describe it

Under review

Integrate plugins "generic object" and "custom fields" into the core

manu_b 9 years ago updated by Michał Panasiewicz 2 years ago 7
Integrate into the GLPI core the plugins "generic object" and "custom fields" to enable customized inventory (CMDB)
Under review

Projects and changes - visible at front page

Piotr Rybak 9 years ago updated by mab18 4 years ago 6
It would be great if user/technician could see:
  • projects for which he/she is reposnsible;
  • tasks within projects that are assigned to him/her;
  • changes for which he/she is responsible;
  • tasks within changes that are assigned to him/her.
Maybe something similar to tickets view? Maybe new tab that would contain info only from projects and changes?

What do you think?

Ticket solution history

Thiago Passamani 9 years ago updated 6 years ago 11
Could be solved history called when the solution performed by the technician not approved.
Thiago Passamani

GLPI Handwritten Signatures (Biometric Signatures)

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 9 years ago updated by Óscar Beiro - TICgal 3 years ago 9
Incluir firmas con tabletas digitalizadoras como la Wacom STU-530, o con dispositivos biometricos para huellas digitales, para aprovar la resolucion de incidencias... Saludos...
Under review

Possibility to assign VLAN to location/data center/server room

mariaczi 5 years ago updated by glpi 4 years ago 1
  • Have a possibility to assign VLAN (VLANID) to Location/DataCenter/Server room.
  • Be able to check which VLAN ID are used in which DataCenter/Server Room.
  • Be able to see all this details about VLAN on the list in "Setup" -> "Dropdowns" -> "VLAN".

    GLPI Digital Signatures (Firmas Digitales)

    Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 9 years ago updated by glpi 4 years ago 10
    Include the use of digital certificates for signing when the resolution of an issue is approved.

    Incluir Firmas Digitales para aprovar la resolucion de incidencias.
    glpi 4 years ago


    Thanks for your suggestion, it's interesting.

    We close this suggestion, because we think it can and should be directly processed in a plugin.



    Windows 10 Toast Notifications (GLPI Plugin Notifications)

    Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 9 years ago updated by glpi 6 years ago 9
    Stevenes Donato consideras posible integrar las notificaciones de escritorio de windows 10 con glpi? Algo identico al plugin notifications que haz desarrollado... Saludos...

    Biometric Fingerprint Approve Solution

    Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 9 years ago updated by glpi 4 years ago 4
    Use Fingerprint to Approve Solutions

    Image 1Image 2

    Image 4Image 3
    glpi 4 years ago


    Thanks for your message, it's interesting.

    We close this suggestion ATM, because we think it can and should be directly processed in a plugin.



    Knowledge Base - improve current engine (maybe replacement)

    Piotr Rybak 9 years ago updated by glpi 7 years ago 9
    Current solution for Knowledge Base is no. Wiki pages doesn't look good, it is hard to format wiki pages with styles and images (also upload images).
    Is it possible to replace current KB engine with XWiki (http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome) or DokuWiki (https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki#)?

    SSL connection to Mysql DB

    Piotr Walkowiak 6 years ago updated by kikilia 3 years ago 7

    Can you add support for connections to the Mysql database using SSL?

