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Business rules for "changes"

CarlosM 8 years ago updated by glpi 2 years ago 7

The business rules for tickets works reasonably well for manipulating tickets, but there seems to be no ability to apply any rules for "changes." We would like to auto assign approvers and "minimum approval" settings for Change requests etc.

Helpe me please. :-)


Knowledge base search - improve search filter module

blippercop 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 1

The search for the knowledge base should be like the other searches for tickets / changes / problems with multiple selects and "NOT contains" etc. options.

Should give the possibility to search for example:

- Contains X but not Y

- is category X

- author is X

- last editor is X

- Associated tickets / changes / problems / projects greater than X

- last edited less that MM/DD/YYYY


Under review

plan ticket, not only ticket tasks

balucha 9 years ago updated by Philip Adam 4 months ago 8
We no need split all tickets to tasks and this tickets(tickets without task) we can`t plan.
Under review

​GLPI native online helpdesk chat

Andrei Simoni 7 years ago updated by mathieu sizec 2 years ago 3

It would be interesting if GLPI has a native online chat system (independent of livehelperchat) that has queue support and some other functionalities like:

1 - allow the attendant to capture the client that is in the queue.

2 - return the client to the queue.

3 - transfer the client between different queues

4 - transfer the client to another attendant (ex-attendant1 answered the customer1 but finished the clerk's file1 then he transfers the client1 to the clerk2 that will give continuity in the client's service 1)

5 - be able to open a ticket by linking the chat conversation to the new ticket or linking a conversation to an existing ticket

6 - send attachments via chat

7 - At the end of the service the client responds a survey to evaluate the service performed by the chat attendant.

8 - allow the client to send the chat conversation to his own email in case he wants


regular technical inspection on items

balucha 9 years ago updated by glpi 2 years ago 10
Add ability to set on items date of regular technical inspection, periodicity and GLPI then add new ticket X days before date of regular technical inspection(automatically set requester, Due date,... ). Something like reccurent ticket but for items.

We have POS systems (cash register), PC`s, UPS, printers,... and on this items we do regular technical inspection per year(or other periodicity). Now we can`t easy set this inspections to GLPI as new tickets. Reccurent ticket is too complicated.
Under review

Improve Plugin PDF with templates to print Ticket, Signatures fields, etc

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 9 years ago updated 4 years ago 4

Image 32 Sample with Signatures fields, to technician and user.

Image 33Currently the generated pdf is poor visually

Improve PDF plugin:
-When you print a ticket the PDF file generated probe is visually speaking.
-Improve report visually ticket.
-Ability to add signature fields.
-Possibility of generating predefined templates.
-Ability to add logo , custom text, etc.
-Currently it is difficult to modify the report directly from code.
-Editor or report template before generating the PDF report.

Satisfaction Survey - respond via e-mail

Piotr Rybak 9 years ago updated by Andrey K 4 years ago 22
It would be great if a user would be able to "answer" the satisfaction survey via e-mail.
Message to the user could contain few smiling faces with link that rates the ticket (link that will post satisfaction level for the ticket).
Under review

Hide fields on Simplified interface but not on Default Interface

Arthur Schaefer 7 years ago updated by Atendimento1 - 2 years ago 12

It would be great if we could hide some fields just on the Simplified interface. Not on entire ticket template.

Using the template to hide the fields I don't need on Simplified, hide also on Default Interface. For example. 

Field Location, Watcher... We should be able to hide'em just on Simplified without personalizing ticket.class.php.

PS.: The "hidefields" plugin just hide the Category field.

Under review

Integrate plugins "generic object" and "custom fields" into the core

manu_b 9 years ago updated by Michał Panasiewicz 2 years ago 7
Integrate into the GLPI core the plugins "generic object" and "custom fields" to enable customized inventory (CMDB)
Under review

Projects and changes - visible at front page

Piotr Rybak 9 years ago updated by mab18 5 years ago 6
It would be great if user/technician could see:
  • projects for which he/she is reposnsible;
  • tasks within projects that are assigned to him/her;
  • changes for which he/she is responsible;
  • tasks within changes that are assigned to him/her.
Maybe something similar to tickets view? Maybe new tab that would contain info only from projects and changes?

What do you think?