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Allow Watchers to add follow up to observed tickets

Vincent Legros 8 years ago updated by Curtis Conard 2 years ago 2

Watchers should be able to add follow ups to tickets


Task color changes when it is done

Yannick 9 years ago 0

It would be useful to change the color depends on the status of the task

information : orange

Done : green

To be done : yellow


Plugin reservation

ylagva 9 years ago updated by Fabrice 9 years ago 1
Integrate the features of plugin reservation in GLPI 0.90 to allow managing in / out of reservations.

Block edition of the ticket description made by the agents.

Eduardo Spinola 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

I request the blocking of the edition of the ticket texts made by the agents. Ticket text can be changed at any time without proper tracking. Ideally, changing the ticket description should be blocked or released only to the technician assigned to the ticket and that the changed text should be recorded in the ticket history.


Progressive Web App GLPI

Migrate the current GLPI application to a Progressive Web App, which allows you to run GLPI natively on different platforms (Web, iOS, Android, etc). And to take advantage of local storage, run offline, push notifications, performance, access to hardware, access to the homescreen of the device, among others.





Separate computer and server in assets

magaiverpr 8 years ago updated by yeenhel wang 7 months ago 5

I have a need that is to include servers and desktop in GLPI, but a profile dont have to access the server information.

Today in GLPI this configuration is in the same screen "computer". It will be cool if create a new tipe of asset called "servers" with the same configuration of computer.


Pouvoir envoyer un mail à des personnes différentes lors de l'expiration d'un contrat

Thomas Terrier 9 years ago updated by Junior 9 years ago 6

Actuellement, on ne peut paramétré qu'un destinataire (ou un groupe) qui recevra toutes les mails sur les alertes sur les fins de contrat.

L'idée est de pouvoir choisir quelle notification de mail envoyer pour chaque contrat ou chaque type de contrat. Ainsi, l'équipe réseau recevra les alertes pour les fins de contrat du réseau, l'équipe système recevra les mails qui le concernent.. ect. Tout le monde ne sera pas prévenu à chaque fois.


ADD possibility to Open ticket when object has expired

Pablo Rodrigues 4 years ago updated by Arthur Schaefer 4 years ago 1

Add possibility to automaticaly open new ticket when a contract, certify, warranty or any objects with lifetime has expired or expiring 

Under review

Handle of "other" Network Components (like TVs, IP Cameras, Network speaker)

Megachip 6 years ago updated by asdf 5 years ago 5

Whats the best Way to handle/inventory all these network components? 

They will be detected by FusionInventory but no asset category seems to matching. 

Also FI didn't support generic objects yet, so there is now way to move them from "unmanaged devices" to a self created asset type.

Thanks a lot for all ideas and suggestions

Under review

Quantify scheduled tasks done (linked to a contract) in order to invoice customers (entities).

Christophe Ferrandon 9 years ago updated by glpi 5 years ago 4
One great feature would be to quantify scheduled tasks done (linked to a contract) in order to invoice customers (entities).
Scheduled tasks time can be classified and calculated by category (i.e. Helpdesk, on site, transport ...) The durations of certain categories of tasks can be summed.
an even more wonderful feature would be an Odoo or Dolibarr ERP connector to avoid double data acquisition, no wasting time, fast, and error free billing.
The GLPI missing workflow.
Am I clear ?
