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Message session expired

Configure the message, "Your session has expired" in the login page, once it is redirected to the login page.

Show the message, "Your session has expired" in the login page, once it is redirected to the login page, when session is expired.

Image 108


UNC link for documents and files

Nicolas hace 8 años actualizado por Jean Gaudreau hace 5 años 1

Add the possibility of saving a UNC link in the documents tab of a hardware, software, project ... To use documents already centralized on a file server and to be able to use the notion of working folder in projects


multiple sorting

clovis coruble hace 8 años actualizado por Random488 hace 2 años 4

It would be really nice to be able to apply multiple sorting on tickets and others things.

For example sorting ticket by type first and then by priority.
So the ticket would be sorted like this:

  • First all the request, sort by priority.
  • Then all the incident, sort by priority.

This is possible directly in sql, so I guess this is also possible directly in GLPI :
SELECT * FROM `glpi_tickets` ORDER BY `glpi_tickets`.`TYPE` ASC, `glpi_tickets`.`PRIORITY` ASC;

Of course the "TYPE" and "PRIORITY" do not have this name in the DB, but I think this could be done ?!

Thank you in advance !
Best regards.


add a button transfer on ticket form

Yannick hace 8 años actualizado por Sebastien hace 8 años 3

add a button transfer on ticket form to facilitate the transfer to another entity


Ticket assignment rule option to check calender

Armin hace 8 años actualizado por Abel Guzmán Sánchez hace 7 años 1

We would need a function to assign tickets different, depending on the time.


From 7 am until 4:30 pm first level group is assigned but the remaining time the second level should get the tickets direct.


Rich text and picture WYSIWYG editor (CKEditor) to add picture from HDD

Jérôme STIVAL hace 8 años actualizado por glpi hace 8 años 2

Remplacer l’éditeur WYSIWYG (même celui de la version 9.1RC2) par CKEditor :

- Permettra d'ajouter une image depuis son HDD vers le serveur GLPI...

Replace the WYSIWYG editor (even that of 9.1RC2 view) by CKEditor:

- Will add an image from the HDD to the GLPI server ...

Demo : http://ckeditor.com/demo

Image 62

Image 64

Image 63

Or the same like using on the userecho.com website ?

I read all the articles :


personal / global view

Lucas L hace 9 años actualizado por tuxxic hace 2 años 2


Is it possible to add a button to swith between global and personal view ? For now, if a personal view is defined we need to delete this one to display global view.

Topic on GLPI's forum : http://forum.glpi-project.org/viewtopic.php?id=154548


Add many actions in rules ticket

Oyabi hace 9 años actualizado por Tomolimo hace 9 años 1

I use a lot your mail ticket creator and it's a really great tools but I think some actions are missing.
Indeed, I can't create a ticket an assigning some information like a machine id in a mail.

If I create a rule like this :

  • Criterion : descriptions contains --1845
  • Actions : add the PC with id 1845 to this ticket. or something like:
  • Criterion : descriptions contains @@14
  • Actions : set the duartion of the ticket to 14 days.

Do you think it's possible to implement this features ?

Best Regards.

En revisión

Split email notification informations

Walid Nouh hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 6 años 3

Ability to split notification informations (admin email, signature) for helpdesk & inventory.

In some cases, it's not managed by the same service, so emails must not be sent with the same email & signature.


asset : management TAB : destruction date

yves tesniere hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 9 años 2

Since this tab manages buy date, value, warranty, It should also manage Destruction date or something equivalent to follow which assets are destroyed.

Status "destroyed" can be used but can not help for answering : wich asset was detrroyed last year ?,