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Add mandatory fields for assets.

Alex W il y a 9 ans mis à jour par asdf il y a 5 ans 5
Add mandatory fields for assets.

Entities from LDAP

Megachip il y a 9 ans mis à jour par CDuv il y a 9 ans 1
Is it possible to get (and sync/update) the entities from ldap (Same for User -> Entity link, dynamic if not static)

Change the Main Login Template

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández il y a 9 ans mis à jour par Roberto Flores il y a 6 ans 1

Enable the option change the Login form style, Logo and Background by templates even the option out of business, in construction and so on.


Define an alias for an entity

glpi il y a 9 ans mis à jour il y a 5 ans 2
Add a field to specify entity 'Alias to display'

Will be used :
  • Notification : 2 tags : shortentity = alias or short name entity = completename
  • Form header : display alias or short name with completename in tooltip
Original request : https://forge.glpi-project.org/issues/4534

Photo utilisateur

ylagva il y a 9 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 6 ans 7
Ajouter la photo des utilisateurs visible en vue liste

Add the posibility to put Maps and the option "Ubication" with coordenates and metadata

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández il y a 9 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 7 ans 6
Please enable the posibility to puts maps in the "ubication" option with coordenates and metadata.

Plugin "Appliances Inventory" pour GLPI 0.90

JJT il y a 9 ans mis à jour il y a 9 ans 7
Nous sommes bloqués à la version 0.84.8 de GLPI du fait de l'utilisation du plugin "Appliances Inventory".
Pourriez-vous préciser la date de disponibilité du plugin "Appliances Inventory" pour GLPI 0.90.


Permit to lock palettes for user preferences

Xavier CAILLAUD il y a 9 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 6 ans 2
The user can change the palette which adminstrator has defined. It's a good idea to lock this feature for the anothers users

copy or duplicate item

Gilberto Tuñon il y a 9 ans 0
If possible copy item on devices, computer or monitor, to don't as new similar item or use a lot of template for equal item.

Allow to enable SNMP inventory features

Erique Souza il y a 7 mois mis à jour par Rémi Julien il y a 6 mois 1

Today in the SNMP inventory it is not possible to select whether or not to bring the resources it brings, such as: Model, Manufacturer, Description, Network Ports, Firmware, etc. There is something similar created in Administration > Inventory, where we can disable some resources We don't want to have the inventory of agents at all, but there is nothing we can deny partial import when we are talking about SNMP inventory.

My suggestion would be precisely that, allowing us to disable the partial import of certain SNMP control information.

This would be useful in the sense of, for example:

I have a scenario where the Network ports of the Switches that were inventoried are conflicting with the device's IP information and that's why I want to make my inventory "cleaner" and more "focused", so I disable the switch's network port inventory, the others data I want to have the complete inventory minus this one.